Calls from the dead…I got a call from a cemetery after closing time…
I got a call from a cemetery after closing time, I called back the next morning they said it was imp ...View More
I had my first paranormal experience last night. Has this happened to anyone else?
I’ll start by saying that I am not a person who tends to believe in the paranormal (at least up unti ...View More
Post Considerations and Common Rule Violations
r/Paranormal Community members and guests,95.3338% of you won't read this, so I'm sure we'll hear fr ...View More
Subtle and Not So Subtle encounters at the funeral home.
For the past four years I’ve worked as a Funeral Director & Embalmer at two different locations ...View More
Just making my daughter food and something moves the bottle on the counter.
So I was in the kitchen and then something moved the bottle. The bottle was empty and the cap was lo ...View More
The Strange Case of the Virgin Mary Pendant
For several years, I worked for a woman who sold vintage and secondhand purses. I was in charge of c ...View More
Glowing White Figure
If u see this, read it.... From when i was born until i was about 10 I lived in the middle of the wo ...View More
'Lost time' at Lost Lake
I recently came across a thread on hiking alone/weird experiences while in nature. This reminded me ...View More
I heard myself calling my dog outside
This morning I was in my bathroom. The window overlooks my back yard, and I had the window open. I k ...View More
Sometimes I see very clear images of another time period
So this happened to me ever since I was young, maybe it all started 10-15 years ago. Sometimes it st ...View More
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