Blue-tongue vs red-bellied black: An Australian evolutionary arms race
Scientists have discovered that the humble blue-tongue lizard is largely resistant to the venom of t ...View More
Astronomers explain origin of elusive ultradiffuse galaxies
As their name suggests, ultradiffuse galaxies, or UDGs, are dwarf galaxies whose stars are spread ou ...View More
With impressive accuracy, dogs can sniff out coronavirus
Many long for a return to a post-pandemic "normal," which, for some, may entail concerts, travel, an ...View More
Tiny cat-sized stegosaur leaves its mark
A single footprint left by a cat-sized dinosaur around 100 million years ago has been discovered in ...View More
Surprise twist suggests stars grow competitively
A survey of star formation activity in the Orion Nebula Cluster found similar mass distributions for ...View More
Light-emitting tattoo engineered
Scientists at UCL and the IIT -Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) hav ...View More
Animal evolution: glimpses of ancient environments
Although amber looks like a somewhat unusual inorganic mineral, it is actually derived from an organ ...View More
Swimming upstream on sound waves
At some point, microvehicles that are small enough to navigate our blood vessels will enable physici ...View More
Is odor the secret to bats' sex appeal?
When falling in love, humans often pay attention to looks. Many non-human animals also choose a sexu ...View More
First black hole ever detected is more massive than we thought
New observations of the first black hole ever detected have led astronomers to question what they kn ...View More
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