Homestead Stories: Kalanchoe, The Eye-Catching Geometric Succulent
“Is that a real flower?” I asked, studying the display of succulents in my friend’s garden window.“O ...View More
Biodynamic Farming: What It Is and Why Do It
I once had the pleasure of working with biodynamic agriculturalists. Being new to biodynamic farming ...View More
15 Weird and Wonderful Tropical Fruit Trees for Tropical Homesteads
Living in the tropics allows the homesteader to go wild with unique tropical fruit trees and shrubs. ...View More
How to Protect Plants From Frost: 12 Clever Methods That Work
As winter wanes and patches of bare ground open up in the fields, my green thumb gets crazy-itchy. I ...View More
Free Ranging: The Pros & Cons
When I brought my first animals home to the farm there was no question in my mind as to whether they ...View More
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